
Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I am posting the classes for October and November in advance, because they are stunning! This will grant you the oppertunity to plan your calender, ladies!

Sat 09 October - Chrismas Card Class by Jowilna R150

Be in time this year to mail your Christmas Cards to friends and family! Learn also a few new applications in this class for all your cardmaking!

I will post a photo to wet your appetite!

Sat 23 October - FAMILY DOUBLE PAGE R180

Lovely double page for family photos. Use 7 photos. Picture to be posted later!

Sat 30 October - XMAS GIFT CLASS by Jowilna

Create that perfect handmade gift for someone special ! More details to follow soon!

Sunday, August 29, 2010


We have a lot of exciting classes scheduled for the rest of the year! Jowilna Nolte agreed to regular classes at the shop. Jowilna is a very talented lady, for those of you who do not her, go check out her blog .

Saturday 04 September : Cuttlebug III (R150) presented by Jowilna

This class is filled to the brim with new and fun techniques for your Cuttlebug. This class will be presented by Jowilna. Booking essential. Please call us at (012) 329-9175.

Saturday 11 September : Tres Jolie (R180) presented by Carla

The following picture is part of the 1st page of this double page spread :

Tres Jolie (French) translates to"Very Pretty". A very feminine double page, ideal for a special occation, or bride dressing etc. You will need a 13x18cm portrait photo, a 10 x 15cm landscape photo and 3 5x7cm landscape photos.

Saturday 18 September : LIFE (R180) presented by Carla

This is part of page 1 of this double page class.

This double page class is fun with distress inks and all kinds of distressing techniques. You will need a         12 x 12cm portrait photo, two 7x7cm photos landscape and one 21.5 x 12cm portrait photo (or two 10x12cm landscape photos). Ideal for any theme photos.

Saturday 25 September : Canvas Class - presented by Jowilna
R180 plus cost of materials used

Here is a sneak peak of the mixed media canvas class Jowilna will be doing at the shop. It consists of three different canvasses in a set that matches and follows onto each other - they are also a celebration of spring that may have arrived by then. We will use various techniques on each canvas including bee's wax, stamping, creating backgrounds with gesso and acrylic paint dabbers, an altered glass vile, dipping, inking and loads more. Give us a call on (012) 329-9175 to book your spot...and create a beautiful gift for yourself or a special friend! Space limited!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


I was spoiled rotten yesterday by Jowilna! She pitched up at my shop with a handcrafted  framed masterpiece! I just had to share it with everyone and it will hang in a special place in my shop, thanks Jowilna - I needed the TLC yesterday.

The lady will remind me that we all need (at times) to close our eyes and let our hair down.

Friday, June 4, 2010


12 Junie : Papparazzi R180
Dubbelbladsy met heelwat stempelwerk op bladsy 2! Perfek vir die Vadersdag fotos!

19 Junie : Cuttlebug Klas II met Jowilna
In opvolg tot ons populêre Cuttlebug Klas I, doen ons Nommer II! Tegnieke met die Cuttlebug word beoefen! 10 Tags word voltooi met elkeen 'n ander tegniek, en kan dan gebêre word vir naslaan doeleindes! Hier onder word een van die tags vertoon wat in CB I gemaak is!

26 Junie : Canvas Klas R300
Voltooi 5 klein canvassies op 'n agtergrond. Verskillende temas.

03 Julie : Printerstray Boks Klas R750
Ons herhaal hierdie populêre klas op julle versoek! Die tema vir jou boks is jou keuse asook die kleur wat die boks geverf word. Hier onder word die foto groottes aangetoon wat benodig word. Al wat jy moet saambring is jou fotos en klein ornamentjies om die boks mee te versier. Die verf, papier en gom word deur ons verskaf. Vir foto doeleindes is die glas en raam verwyder!

Fotos benodig : 3 poskaart (10x15cm) grootte vertikale oriëntasie, 2 poskaart (10x15cm) horisontaal, 1 van 15x17cm vertikaal, 5 van 5x5cm en 2 van 6x7cm.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Ons het opwindende klasse op die rooster vir Maart!

Saterdag 13/03, Donderdag 18/03
Heritage Blad met Smeltpot werk - Dubbelblad R220

Saterdag 20/03, Dins 16/03, Dins 23/03
Dubbelblad - Vriende R180


Leer al die tegnieke om Perfect Pearls te benut! Skakel ons om te bespreek, beperkte hoev plek!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Ons het 2 klasse op die rooster vir Januarie :

  • Dubbelbladsy met plek vir 2 poskaart grootte fotos en een 13cmx18cm foto. Is geskik vir Sepia of Swart en Wit fotos.
  • Baie stempelwerk.
  • Koste R180
  • Klastye :  Dinsdag 26 Januarie van 13h00 - 16h00 en Saterdag 30 Januarie 09h00-12h00

  • Dubbelbladsy geskik vir dogtertjie fotos, troues ens. 
  • Kan een vertikale foto van 13cm x 18cm, 2 vertikale poskaart fotos (of 1 vertikale poskaart en 2 horisontale fotos van 5cm x 7cm)  en twee vertikale 5cm x 7.5cm fotos, neem.
  • Koste R180.00
  • Klastye : Saterdag 16 Januarie 09h00-12h00 en Donderdag 21 Januarie 13h00-16h00.
Klasse is ook beskikbaar as pakette. Kontak ons gerus vir meer inligting (012) 329-9175.


Die nuwe jaar is al in sy 2de week maar Voorspoedige Nuwejaar aan een en almal. Mag 2010 vol scrap vreugde wees! My swaer-hulle het ons warm weer kom opsoek van Holland af oor die feësgety, maar toe ons weer ons oë uitvee was dit tyd om te groet. Ek het vir hulle 'n album aanmekaar geslaan met behulp van Fab Scraps se spaanderbord produkte en Art from the Heart se papier.